Finding the sweet spot for the confectionery legends

Nestlé Confectionery has an amazing story to tell: a magical 150-year heritage, famous well-loved brands, and a future that is theirs to take. And, as they set out on the next stage of their journey, they asked us to bring their past, present and future together in a story that would remind every single person just what’s so special about Nestlé Confectionery. Just what it means to be part of this incredible business. And just how important it is that they unite under a shared belief, a clear mission, a pride in what has gone before and a strong focus on their future success.

We learned so much about Nestlé Confectionery, working with their archivist to uncover their incredible history, and with their leaders to articulate their Mission, their Belief, and their future direction. We also ate a lot of chocolate.

And when the story was written, we used it to build a magical, engaging, immersive conference experience where the story was unveiled to hundreds of Nestlé leaders. It truly hit the sweet spot for everyone who attended.